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    ORCHESTRA WITHOUT SOLOIST 2*2*2*2  4*3*3*1 Timpani (4 drums), 1 Perc, Piano/Celeste, Strings [Percussion Requirements:  3 suspended cymbals (high, medium, and low; with bow and mallets), snare drum (brushes and sticks), crotales (with bow and beaters), xylophone, concert bass drum Duration: ca. 9 minutesComposed: 2010 Programme… Read More »Murmuration

    Black Sand

      ORCHESTRA WITHOUT SOLOIST 2*2*2*2  4*3*3*1 Timpani (4 drums), 2 Perc, Piano, Harp, Strings [Percussion Requirements:  Percussion I: large tam-tam, large lion’s roar, vibraphone, 3 suspended cymbals (low, medium, high), xylophone, glockenspiel, large tom-tom.  Percussion II: bass d Duration: ca. 12 minutesComposed: 2009 Programme Note: Black… Read More »Black Sand

      A Thousand Natural Shocks

        ORCHESTRA WITHOUT SOLOIST 3*2*2*2  4*3*3*1 Timpani (5 drums), 2 Perc: Perc. 1: large bass drum, *3 suspended cymbals (med., med. high, high — all higher than perc.2), snare drum, xylophone, brass wind chimes, crotales (bowed), **2 drums Tomtoms or similar). Perc. 2: snare drum, g… Read More »A Thousand Natural Shocks


          ORCHESTRA WITHOUT SOLOIST 2*2*2*2 4*3*3*1 Timpani, 2 Perc. (Tamtam, snare drum (concert), 2 wood blocks, 1 bongo (high), high suspended cymbal, high triangle, crotales (bowed and struck), brass wind chimes. Perc. 2: whip, snare drum (military), 1 bongo (medium), bass drum, medium Duration: ca. 10… Read More »Utterances

          Kelly-Marie Murphy, composer